- The McLean National Council is an international group of influential people committed to staying informed about current treatment, research and training activities at McLean. Council members serve as mental health advocates, working to reduce the stigma associated with psychiatric illness within their own personal and professional spheres, and are encouraged to offer insight or suggestions to the hospital as valued members of the McLean community.
- Council members participate in one formal day-and-a-half meeting each year. This well-attended event includes a series of informational roundtable discussions with subject-matter experts, presentations by hospital leadership, a luncheon with clinicians, investigators and other McLean staff, and the opportunity for discussions with other members. The first day culminates in a dinner hosted by the McLean Board of Trustees.
- The goal of the annual meeting is for each participant to gain relevant information about current topics, issues and challenges facing the mental health field. Armed with that knowledge, Council members are prepared to serve as ambassadors-at-large, helping to expand awareness of the importance of mental health and broaden McLean’s reach and base of support.
- Council members will receive periodic infomational mailings, updates and invitations to pertinent events throughout the year. The McLean development office is available to coordinate informational meetings with trustees and arrange for clinicians and investiagtors to call on members as they travel throughout the country.
- Council members make every effort to attend the annual meeting and help, when possible, to make contacts and open doors to individuals, corporations, foundations, government entities and the media. Council members might also suggest additional candidates for membership and help in recruitment. Members will continue to play a leading philanthropic role at McLean, making an annual contribution of $10,000 or more and, from time to time, a larger campaign or capital gift.